Swift Current WTP Residuals Management Facility Detailed Design (design capacity is 6,400 m3/d). The City of swift Current, Saskatchewan - Process Engineer. This project was to design a residuals management facility to treat process residuals from the WTP including ActiFlo waste, BWW and FTW. Tasks included conducting historical operation data analysis, determining design parameters, sizing equipment & treatment units, preparing technical design memorandum.
The City Of Medicine Hat WTP Upgrade- Emergency Chlorine Gas Scrubber System. The City of Medicine Hat, Alberta. This project was to install a new chlorine gas scrubber system for existing chlorine storage and chlorination rooms to satisfy the current regulatory requirement. Tasks at function design stage included identifying all potential chlorine release scenarios, further defining design parameters, developing PFD and establishing a process control philosophy for the scrubber system, and writing function design report.
Red Deer WTP Upgrade- Intake and Screen Building. The City of Red Deer, Alberta. This project was to install three (3) vertical travelling water screens (TWS) to provide an intake capacity of approximately 200ML/d or 52.8 MGD (from Red River). Three (3) fish return pumps was also provided to protect the rive fishes and an aeration system was installed to address frazil ice concerns on the travelling water screens. Tasks included selecting traveling water screens, sizing air bowers, checking aeration piping system calculation, preparing TWS’s RFP documents and specifications for TWS, fish return pumps and air blowers.
Town of Stettler WTP Upgrade QA Review. The Town of Stettler, Alberta. This was a comprehensive QA review for a 14 ML/d or 3.7 MGD WTP upgrade, which included adding silt pumps, raw water screens, raw water supply pumps, raw water transfer pumps, in-line mixers, membrane filtration packages and chemical systems as well as converting existing filters to disinfection reservoirs. The tasks included reviewing P&ID & GA drawings and specifications and providing recommendations to the design team.
Saskatoon WTP Intake and Pumping station QA Review. The City of Saskatoon, Saskatoon. This was a comprehensive QA review for a 700 ML/d or 185 MGD (ultimate capacity) WTP intake system consisting of raw water drum screens & associated backwashing, silt pumping and raw water pumping at 100% design stage. The tasks included reviewing P&ID & GA drawings and specifications. Comments had been incorporated into the contract documents.
Raymond WTP QA review. The Town of Raymond, Alberta. This was a comprehensive QA review for a 12.5 ML/d or 3.3 MGD pre-oxidation/coagulation/flocculation/membrance process WTP at 95% design stage. The tasks included reviewing P&ID & GA drawings with chemical systems, specifications and process control narrative. Comments had been incorporated into the contract documents.
Wetaskiwin WTP Upgrade. EPCOR, the City of Wetaskiwin, Albert. This detailed design was to update the existing plant by introducing DAF tanks to replace the existing tube settlers, adding UV disinfection and providing all new chemical dosing systems to improve the treated water quality. Tasks included preparing P&ID drawings for the whole plant with focus on all chemical feeding system design.
Calgary Water and RAM Consultings Ltd.
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