Lake Louise WWTP Pre-design. Park Canada - process engineer. This project included upgrading the existing bar screen, adding grit removal, optimizing air blower system to achieve an automatic DO control in bioreactors, modifying service water system from potable water to tertiary effluent and revising chemical system to meet latest code requirement. Tasks included evaluating different technologies, developing upgrade options, preparing PFDs and P&IDs and writing pre-design report.
Okotoks WWTP Upgrade Conceptual Design and Pre-design. City of Okotoks - process engineer. This project was to update existing plant to provide redundancy and enhance operation reliability for treatment process and equipment. Tasks included adding a new headworks with fine screens and grit removal, a new primary clarifier, a new secondary treatment namely combined treatment unit (CTU), a new WAS DAF, and a new centrifuge along with replacement of multiple existing aged equipment items.
Lake Louise WWTP Condition Assessment. Park Canada - process engineer. This project was to evaluate the current plant conditions and develop upgrading strategies. The LLWTP is a conventional biological nutrient removal (BNR) plant (anoxic1/ anaerobic/ anoxic2/ anoxic3/aerobic1/ aerobic2/ aerobic3/clarifiers) with tertiary filtration and a design capacity of 8,000 m3/d. Tasks included interviewing operator, evaluating treatment unit condition, identifying current operation issues, developing upgrade strategies and prioritizing unit upgrade options.
Fish Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) Odour Control: The City of Calgary, Alberta. This project was to install a complete hydrogen peroxide odour control station at Fish Creek WWTP to control the H2S related odour and corrosion issues for the new Pine Creek WWTP gravity main using pre-selected vendor system. Tasks were to prepare a function design technical memorandum to recommend a storage tank location and address the required ancillary services including onsite emergency shower station and dosing piping arrangement.
Picture Butte Pumping Station Upgrade Detailed Design: The Town of Picture Butte, Alberta. This detailed design was to upgrade three self-priming pumps, replace pump suction and discharge pipes and install a new forcemain. The tasks included performing hydraulic analyses, preparing contract drawings and specifications, reviewing shop drawings and specifying construction sequence.
Canmore Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) Upgrade detailed design(Whole plant design capacity is: 22 ML/d or 5.8 MGD): Town of Canmore, Albert. This detailed design was to upgrade existing Biological Aerated Filter (BAF) system by adding two filters & a recycle pumping system and upgrading the intermediate pumping system to improve the BAF system operation. Tasks included performing hydraulic calculation, preparing the hydraulic profile, P&IDs and GA drawings, and coordinating different disciplines as well as a process design lead.
North End Wastewater Pollution Control Center (NEWPCC) Grit Removal Update Desk Study: City of Winnipeg, Manitoba. Reviewed 2002 Earth Tech Grit removal function design report recommendations and Eutek grit removal technology, developed grit removal design criteria and process design. Identified the necessary modifications to existing plant, conducted both technical and economical comparisons. Evaluated different options and provided the most appropriate grit removal update option and recommendations to the City. Prepared the desk study report. Tasks also included evaluating different Eutek grit removal systems and offering cost estimates.
North End Wastewater Pollution Control Center (NEWPCC) Centrate Treatment (Centrate treatment system design capacity is: 6.4 ML/d or 1.7 MGD): City of Winnipeg, Manitoba. Conducted odour control system, plant layout and methanol dosing system design at both functional and detailed design stages. Tasks include making P&ID drawings, sizing the systems and preparing the process and mechanical drawings for detailed design; preparing PCN and specifications. Tasks focus on designing methanol storage & dosing system (including nitrogen gas blanking system), exhaust collect system and SBR process; sizing pipe and pumps, reviewing vendor’s submittals, sketching and marking up drawings.
West End Wastewater Pollution Control Center (WEWPCC) update (Whole upgrade Construction cost: approximately CAD$45 millions). City of Winnipeg, Manitoba. Conducted functional and detailed design of DAF for waste activated sludge (WAS) including dry polymer makedown system. Tasks included conducting process and layout design, sizing DAF tanks and associated pipes and pumps, creating all P&ID, process, and mechanical drawings. Preparing tendering documents, writing specifications and reviewing shop drawings.
Water & Wastewater Infrastructure Capacity Review. City of Portage la Prairie, Manitoba. Reviewed and conducted existing wastewater flows and quality data analyses. Examined related design documents and conducted capacity evaluation for existing wastewater collection systems, pumping stations and wastewater pollution control facility (WPCF). Developed different update alternatives for existing wastewater collections, the pumping stations and the WPCF based on assumed soybean processing plant wastewater treatment scenarios. Tasks also included sizing each component of these wastewater facilities and conducting cost estimates for each available upgrade option.
Calgary Water and RAM Consultings Ltd.
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